Netflix Revamp App
This time crafted alongside my amazing team at Vixturistic Studio’s DNA#3 Portfolio Pro program
case study
Netflix App
End to end Procces
1 month
Project process
creative process
At this stage we conduct a User Interview process
Competitive Analysis
At this stage we carry out the process of creating User Persona, User Journey, Idea Prioritization
At this stage we do the process of making User Flow and Style Guide
At this stage we carry out the process of making Hi-Fi dan Prototype
Project Overview
Netflix is a streaming application that can be accessed when you have a subscription. Netflix is very easy to use, because it can be connected to many devices such as, mobile, computer, smart TV, and accessed through a browser. Netflix is also very popular with many users, especially on its appearance, besides being user friendly, the content on the Netflix application is also very high quality. However, some users still find it difficult in the selection section when choosing the desired movie.
Problem Statement
Some users still find it difficult when choosing a movie that they like and want, especially on the homepage because users feel that the movie recommendations displayed are not appropriate.
Helping users to find preferred movies based on the results of account personalization so that users are no longer confused in determining which movies to watch.
The time we use as a reference in completing Research and also Design
primary research
At this stage we conduct a questionnaire survey and after that a User Interview, to find what are the obstacles for users when using the Netflix application, with the following criteria:
- Domiciled in Indonesia
- Male/Female
- 17-30 years old
- Ever used a streaming app
21 Users who filled out questionnaires and 3 users in interviews
After conducting the interview process and analyzing the pain points felt by users that:
- User Difficulty finding a movie that suits his rate
- Difficulty when looking for a movie that suits my wishes because sometimes the recommendations given do not match my taste.
- Netflix only focuses on movies that are exclusive to their production
- Must Subscribe or subscribe first
- There are not many movies, mostly Korean
The movie not much
Search for recommendations to other apps
Most Korean Movies
Must be subscribe to
From the results of Primary Research that has been analyzed, we return to the second research process by analyzing similar applications where this application can help us provide a comparison with the Netflix Application.
In terms of features, experience using the application, and also by comparing the advantages and disadvantages that exist in each application.
each application. Here are the results of the analysis we have made:
Competitive Analysis
The following are the advantages and disadvantages of several Streaming Movie Applications that we analyzed, as our secondary research, and the analysis we encountered can help in finding solutions and improvisation of the Netflix application for User needs
Pain Point + Insight
Users are confused when looking for movie recommendations that match the desired genre, can also watch it with friends because they have to look for movie recommendations first in other applications or social media.
How Might We
How can we create a genre onboarding in the initial interface of the app that matches the user’s genre?
How can we add features according to user recommendations without having to search for other applications?
How we help users to watch movies with friends
Addition of "On boarding Genre" Feature
Added on boarding genre in the initial view when reegistering or logging in.
Addition of "Friend activity" feature
This feature can help see movie recommendations from friends who are followed in the streaming application as the same user.
Addition of "Group watch" Feature
Features that can help users to be able to watch with friends according to the desired movie recommendations
User Persona
Based on the Research and Insights we gather and find, we define user personas based on Netflix’s target users that can help us understand user behavior, attitudes, needs, and goals.
Jesselyn Ayunda
25yo | Freelancer
“Like in a movie, your life is an unfinished work of art”
- Easily find the movie you want to watch
- Watch movies with friends
Pain Points
- Having trouble finding the movie you want
- Want to watch a movie with friends
- Help recommend movies according to Genre
User journey
The following is a User Journey based on the results of research and user personas starting from looking for a movie to the process of deciding to watch a movie. This User Journey becomes our reference in understanding the journey felt by the user.
Jesselyn Ayunda
25yo | Freelancer
- Want to easily find movies based on preferred genres
- Want to find movie recommendations through the recommendation feature from friends
Prioritization Idea
After identifying oppurtinites and developing solution ideas, we try to prioritize based on those with higher value.
User Flow
There are 3 flow processes that users will do to complete a task from a product or feature that we have visualized from the results of research, user personas, and user journeys.
Choose Genre
Friend Activity
Group Watch
Style Guide
We create a Style Guide so that the app has a consistent design
Netflix Sans
Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn
Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz
Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn
Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz
High Fidelity
Category Selection
Category selection page, users can select a movie category based on user needs.
Friends Activity Screen
Adding friends and being able to see the movie activities that are being watched from friends
Group Watch
On the group watch page, users can invite friends to watch movies together.
Usability Tasting
To test the results of the Research and Design that has been made, the first thing that needs to be done is to determine the UT plan, which can minimize errors that may occur in the testing process. We conduct a planning process that includes the placement and purpose of the UT, methods, target participants, and scenarios needed, namely:
Goal: Looking for Movie Recommendations as desired
Target: Previously interviewed users and existing Netflix App users.
- Genre selection on the onboarding screen
- View movie recommendations through the Friend Activity feature
- Watch with friends who are online using the Group Watch feature
The results of the comparison of the old Netflix display design and the new design that has been made are quite helpful for users with additional features in the Netflix application.
Task 1
Genre Selection
4 out of 7 people choose to proceed to the sign in page
In the results in Task 1, it can be concluded that there is a difference when on the on boarding screen, the user has difficulty choosing to enter directly and skip the onboarding page.
Task 2
Friend Activity
1 in 6 people choose to proceed to the back to home page
For Task 2, the user has followed the flow that has been provided. However, when the user is on the movie details screen, the user tries to click on the movie category dropdown. Then when on the screen viewing movie details from friends’ activities there are those who continue to the next step.
Task 3
Group Watch to Watch Movies with Friends
1 in 6 people choose to leave the watch group
Task 3 users have followed the flow according to the instructions that have been explained. Although, there is a click for the left group, the results of this screen or task are very helpful for users.
After the process that has been carried out, there are also things that need to be improved from this process:
- Improve the research process from problem solving, interviewing, to coming up with a suitable idea or solution
- Clearly display all research results in the presentation.
- In terms of appearance, improve components, colors on several screens that must match the actual application
- More details about what display needs to be used or not used in the display
The lesson learned from this process is:
- The importance of communication in the process of making this research because the smoothness of making this case study is how good the communication of the team is.
- The importance of responsibility in accordance with their respective duties, besides being able to manage time well.
- In terms of hard skills, the world of research is very broad because to be able to validate the results of our research using a very good method of analyzing competitors of similar products so we know “whats good?”; “whats bad”; “whats to be improved?” from the product.
- Because this survey process we have not found “problems from users” then these tips are also very good that we can share with those who use the application.
- In terms of UI, it is very necessary to have a Design System, but the most important thing is that we must know how big the scope of this case study is so that the time used is not only focused on one.
To all the Vixturistic team, the team of participants who provide a lot of knowledge in every meeting with each other in the community group and even personally, especially to the team of reviewers who are very helpful in providing suggestions, comments, messages in the process of making this case study, we hope that in the future we can improve this in order to increase our knowledge, both in soft skills and hard skills.